
Long-Awaited Luxor: My Dear Sphynx Cat

Pin It       The ones who read my older posts will know how much I was longing to have a sphynx cat. I could only find pictures of them and sigh.. Finally with the big help of a sphynx-loving friend I found a kitten and named her Luxor. By now we have been together for 1 month and 20 days.
      I am familiar with looking after bearded dragons and tarantulas but had no experience with cats at all. I was even scared of them in the past years before I fall in love with sphynx cats. Therefore, I had a bit difficulty in the first couple of weeks but it is worth that. Now we started to become a family.
      Let me introduce you my dear baby girl Luxor:

I learn a lot with her and she is a very big reason to go home immediately after work. She likes to sleep hand in hand. :)


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