

Pin It       There are many aspects of production, especially in arts. Presenting what you have made effectively is one of them.

      Making beautiful, meaningful or appealing pieces in every kind of art is important without a doubt. In addition to that, it is also important to show the best view of those pieces, because sight gives the first impression and we know "there is no second chance to make a first impression".

      Even though I am a photographer myself, I take some of the pictures of my blog by my smart-phone. This is mainly because I like Instagram the most, among all other social media. And then I use those pictures in my other accounts.

      Rather than the device I am using, the thing I find important is not to go too far from the original scene. Because if a customer likes an item on my Etsy shop by its picture and then feels disappointment after getting his/her package, I would be really sad. So I use many techniques but still try to keep all the images natural.

      Actually I find it magical because there are numerous angles, or different styles, and each person has a different point of view. So it is very enjoyable to find yours among these countless choices.


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